Monday, June 10, 2013

Buh-Bye B.O.! Homemade coconut oil deoderant

As we use up the rest of our stockpiled deodorant, we began searching for a more natural alternative to keep the B.O. away.  Of course, we all know that I have an unrelenting love for coconut oil, so it was only fitting that a natural substitution would have to include my favorite ingredient. 

Another benefit to this homemade deodorant is that it is gentle and nourishing to the skin, while combating body odor and decreasing perspiration.  Everyone in our home has sensitive skin, so this is sort of a big deal to me!

Homemade coconut oil deodorant
What you’ll need:
6-8 Tablespoons solid organic coconut oil
¼ cup baking soda
¼ cup arrowroot powder or cornstarch (arrowroot is preferred)
few drops essential oil of your choice for fragrance (optional)
What to do:
1.       In a bowl, mix equal parts baking soda and arrowroot powder (or corn starch). 
2.       Slowly add coconut oil and combine with a spoon, mixing until the past is firm yet pliable (much like the texture of commercial deodorant). Mix in a few drops of essential oil, if desired.
3.      Spoon into an empty deodorant stick or a small plastic lidded container. 

This recipe makes about 1 cup of homemade deodorant, and should last two adults between 2-3 months with regular, daily use. 

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