Friday, June 7, 2013

Get FIT: Getting started on your fitness journey

It seems like just about everyone I know is on some sort of health kick.  I know several who are going the juicing detox route, others that are on some diet or another, and still others that are just trying to be more active.

I’ve tried to get fit and lose weight several times before, but the diets never stick.  I tried Slim Fast, the Special K diet, and banned sweets.  None of those things stuck.  After the initial excitement wore off, life kicked back in and I would wind up reverting back to old eating habits.  It’s difficult to resist that double bacon cheeseburger and fries when the rest of your family is eating it. 

This would lead to anger at myself over not having control.  I’d look in the mirror, and see a stomach that still wasn’t flat no matter how many crunches I did.  Thighs that touched when I wished they wouldn’t.  I hated how fat I had gotten, and no amount of praise from my husband was going to change the fact that every time I looked in the mirror, I saw how much fat I needed to lose.

I started back onto my own health journey nearly two months ago, around the time we were planning our move.  Apparently, one stressful thing in my life wasn’t enough, so I decided to throw in a good dose of self-deprivation.  Only this time, it doesn’t really feel like I’m missing out on anything.  In fact, I’m gaining something so much more.

What has changed my outlook on diet and weight loss, you ask? 

I’ve gained a new perspective of what health means to me.  Before, I was doing it to lose weight.  To be skinny again.  Sure, I wouldn’t mind fitting back in a size 3 jeans eventually, but my goal is no longer superficial. 

There are several reasons why I am dedicated to getting healthier, and in future posts I will expand on some of those.  For now, I would like to give a few tips, tricks, and thoughts to reflect on when it comes to health and fitness. 
Get FIT: Getting Started
  • Decide what health and fitness means and looks like to you.  Are you just wanting to shed a few inches to fit into that dress?  Are you wanting to gain strength and endurance?  Decide what your goals are.

  • Determine your motivation, and reflect on it often.  Make a motivation board, or stick a note to your bathroom mirror.  Keeping your goals and motivation at the forefront of your mind will encourage you to follow through with your diet and exercise plans.

  • Partner up with a friend.  Being accountable to another person increases the likelihood that you'll follow through with that grueling ab workout. 

  • Change your focus.  Instead of focusing on the number on the scale, celebrate the changes in your body.  Maybe last week you couldn't do a push up to save your life, and now you can do ten.  It may not feel like a lot now, but you are making progress!  Hang in there!

  • Don't hate food.  There's nothing wrong with indulging from time to time, but view your food as fuel.  You can do 1,000 crunches every day, but if all you're putting into your mouth in refined and highly processed, chances are you aren't going to see that six pack of rock hard abs any time soon.

  • Keep a food and exercise log.  This can be a great visual as well as a learning experience.  I love using MyFitnesspal, which you can check out here.  Knowing triggers can help you a ton, and if you are able to "see" your choices laid out, you might rethink that sugary donut and the large cappuccino. 

  • Know that small changes add up.  If the task of a complete overhaul seems a bit daunting, start small.  Swapping whole wheat bread for white or changing one snack a day to a fruit or veggie increases your nutrient intake and lowers the amount of processed food in your diet.  Instead of adding that calorie laden creamer to your next cup of coffee, stir in a spoonful of delicious coconut oil. (Read some more great uses for coconut oil here.)

  • Don't drink your calories.  Aim to drink 2 liters of water each day.  Measure it out to help yourself keep track, and add some fresh lemon or lime juice.  You could also try one of those recipes for homemade vitamin water that seems to be everywhere on Pinterest.  (If you do, let me know how they turn out!)

  • Get enough sleep.  Rest is when your body heals itself. Aim for 6-8 hours a night.

  • Get moving.  Whether it is doing burpees during a commercial break or a walk around the neighborhood, anyone can start exercising. 

  • Include strength training in your workouts.  Muscle uses more calories than fat does, just to simply sustain itself.  You may initially gain some weight, but this new muscle is going to help you burn off some more of that unwanted fat.  It's worth it in the long run.

  • Don't neglect cardio.  Get that heart rate up!  Improves heart health, circulation, and boosts your metabolism.  Do some circuit training and combine both cardio and strength exercises.

  • Love your body.  Your body is an amazing machine, just the way it is!  As you begin to fuel it with better food and exercise it, you will be astonished at it's own healing capabilities and the things it can do! 

This list is by no means exhaustive, but I hope that it can be a starting point for some, and a motivation for others. 

Are you on your own fitness journey?  Share your experience with me in the comments!

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