Thursday, August 21, 2014

{Easy} Memory Verse Book on the Cheap!

One of the things I absolutely LOVE about My Father's World is that it is Gospel-centric.  We're doing MFW Learning God's Story right now with Squirrely Girl (6) and Miss Bear (4).  And I have nothing but good things to say about it!

Something that starts in Week 3 is the memory verses from the book of Proverbs.  I had already written all of the verses out on index cards for the year, and I had initially planned on putting them into a storage box to follow the Charlotte Mason Scripture memory system. 

Instead, I decided to implement something I'd seen others using for other cards and such:  a photo album.

You can find photo albums pretty cheap at dollar stores.  We happened to have a couple empty ones on hand, so this ended up being a free project for us!

I let the kids pick one out, and we just added a monkey name tag to the front. 

I'd already printed our memory verse for the school year out and laminated it, so I added some Velcro onto the back and stuck it on the inside cover.  That way, we can change it out next year.  There are enough pages in this photo album to last us for at least a few  years, if we're only including one verse per school week.  If we need to add more, I still think we can manage 2 years worth of verses in this one book.

For now, I'm writing the dates for the week the verse goes with on the memo lines.  I'll also add ways that it's applicable and such later on. 

This takes up a little less space than a memory box would, and I think its also a little easier for us to do.  We can read our verses that we are reviewing from the album, and I can pull the weeks verse card out to hang on the fridge.  I'm loving this so far. 

How do you store your memory verses?  Does a scripture box work for you?  I'd love to hear how you make your cards more accessible in the comments!

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